With the drive to adopt a more circular economy and steer ourselves away from over consumption and wasteful habits, we’re all becoming a bit more conscious of our buying behaviour.

Buying high quality items that offer longevity over low prices is one avenue to consider. Items that last longer don’t need to be replaced as quickly. But of course, nothing lasts forever, and eventually there will be unwanted or worn out appliances that need disposing of. We can, however, be more mindful and responsible of how we dispose of those items.

With the launch of the new Bosch rechargeable vacuum cleaner Unlimited 7, many of our customers could be about to upgrade their vacuum cleaner. Here are some tips on how you can extend the life of your previous vacuum or dispose of it in a sustainable way. Because an old vacuum can be used for more than just collecting dust!

Different coloured recycling wheelie bins in a row

Find a local recycling point

Have you ever been lumbered with an old microwave, toaster, or vacuum cleaner and weren’t sure what to do with it? Of course, it’s not as easy as tossing it in the recycle bin!

Some of the components can be hazardous and dangerous, so it’s important to dispose of them safely and correctly.

Councils are responsible for providing local recycling points, but some research into your local area could reveal more specialist recycling points for unwanted household appliances. They will be responsible for transporting the parts safely and responsibly to recycling plants where the parts can be reused or disposed of properly.

Some of the metal parts can be melted down and remade into new products. Mechanical parts such as the motor and filter may be able to go towards repairing other vacuums and of course, any plastic components are suitable for recycling into new items.

Person holding part of a vacuum cleaner

Donate your vacuum

Schools, charities, local churches all rely heavily on donations and the generosity of the local community. If you think your old vacuum cleaner has some more life left, or could be easily restored with a new motor or filter, why not donate to a nearby public service or charity?

Or, there may be someone in need a little closer to home. If you have any students in the family, or new homeowners who are a little strapped for cash, a donated vacuum cleaner could save them a small fortune. Have a think around your circle–is there anyone who could benefit from your unwanted vacuum?

Vacuum cleaner propped up against chair in room

Sell your old vacuum

If your previous vacuum is still in good working order, it could be perfect for someone else on a tighter budget. There are countless selling sites and platforms online, and this way of buying and selling is becoming increasingly popular, for good reason. The web makes it easy to connect with someone in your local area who could be on the hunt for a vacuum and make some extra cash while recycling responsibly.

Child pretending to be an astronaut

Get creative - turn it into something new

Okay, hear us out on this one. You don’t have to be an art professor to create something new from your old vacuum parts. They could well come in handy if you have a science project or creative family member in the house. Children are always in need of creative dress-up costumes for school plays or charity days. Just be mindful not to re-use electrical parts such as motors and cables. However, the external parts, like the tubes and casing could go towards creating a great elephant or astronaut costume!

So, if the new Bosch rechargeable vacuum cleaner Unlimited 7 has whet your appetite for an upgrade, consider being environmentally conscious as well as saving money by mindfully disposing of your previous model.