We have partnered with Youreko to make it even easier for you to make the most sustainable choice when choosing your home appliance. The Youreko tool clearly shows you the financial benefit when buying efficient appliances. You can find the tool on Bosch washing machines, tumble dryers, washer dryers, dishwashers, fridges, freezers and fridge freezers.
How it works
1.Products are loaded daily from the Bosch website, as well as other manufacturer and retailer sites
2.The lifetime energy cost is calculated for all products in the market* **
3.The tool provides information about energy savings and medal ratings for each Bosch product compared to like-for-like products in the market
4.Recommendations are shown for more efficient like-for-like products available from Bosch
For example
The tool allows you to see the financial benefits in energy savings in a clear monetary value. For example, if you are viewing the WTX88EH9GB Heat Pump tumble dryer the tool will tell you that the machine is highly efficient with ultra low running costs, saving you £342 in energy over a year*. The tool will also list any alternative Bosch models that are cheaper to run, if found on the website.

What do the medal ratings mean?
Youreko places products by size into 5 bands according to their energy savings. A medal rating is given to each product based on the band it is in.
Best of the best

Most efficient product in the market with the lowest running cost in its category

Dark green range

Light green range.

Yellow range
Good value

Red/orange range but nothing cheaper to run at that price
You can also customise your usage for each type of appliance to show the energy savings for your personal circumstances, making sure you pick the right appliance for you.
* BEIS is used as the source for the average tariff. The average usage and lifespan for each category is taken from a report by the Energy Saving Trust.
** This example features the WTX88EH9GB and was dated on 17/01/2023, please note that this savings data may vary over time.