January can be a tough month to get through.

The Christmas spirit is long gone, Blue Monday is looming, and most of us are feeling lethargic and unhealthy after a month of over indulgence.

This time of year is often associated with adopting new habits and resolutions. ‘Veganuary' and ‘Dry January’ have become popular movements as an attempt to reduce meat and alcohol intake, and generally focus on improved health. And new year’s resolutions are popping up here, there, and everywhere.

But according to research, after 6 months, only 46% of people who made resolutions were successful at sticking to them. Our philosophy? Keep it simple.

By overcomplicating health and diet, of course it will be harder to stick to something. Small changes such as increasing your fruit, veg and fibre can make a huge impact on your energy levels, weight, and overall health.

Homemade smoothies are an easy and tasty way to kickstart a healthy habit. With multiple health benefits, variety of flavours, AND something all of the family can enjoy, why not start today? Make them in batches or fresh first thing in the morning. However you like to make your smoothies, these recipes are certainly worth a go!

Bollywood's best

A fruity, zesty and delightful smoothie. This recipe is sure to transport you to a warmer climate. It’s also great for post workout hydration.

One that will be loved by all the family, this recipe makes 4 glasses:

Bollywood's Best Smoothie


  • 1000ml / 4 glasses
  • 2 medium-sized mangoes
  • 300g yogurt
  • 1 pinch of chilli powder
  • 1 tsp turmeric
  • 250ml water
  • Pinch of salt
Bollywood's Best Recipe Method


1.Peel the mango, use a knife to remove the flesh from the pit and coarsely dice.

2.Start by adding the yoghurt to the blender jug, then add the water, chili powder, salt, turmeric and lastly, mango cubes. Return the lid to the blender jug, flip down the closure clasp and press down firmly.

3.Select ‘Auto’ to start the vacuum and blending process. It will stop automatically when it is done.

Pour your Bollywood’s Best into glasses and serve immediately.

Big King Kale

If sweet tastes and fruits aren’t your preference, or you’d prefer to go all in and get your greens in in one hit, give the Big King Kale a go. Complete with avocado for the extra creamy taste and texture, this one includes lemon, for an added detoxifying effect:

Big King Kale Recipe


  • 1000ml / 4 glasses
  • 50g Kale
  • 150g Celery
  • 1 avocado
  • 1 apple
  • 1⁄2 lemon
  • 600ml water
Big King Kale Smoothie Recipe


1.Wash and drain the kale. Cut off the thicker stalks and cut the leaves into strips. Wash the celery and cut into small pieces.

2.Cut the avocado lengthwise in half, remove the pit and scoop out the flesh with a spoon. Wash, core and quarter the apples. Cut the quartered apples into slices. Peel the lemon.

3.Start by adding the lemon to the blender jug, then add the apple, celery, kale, avocado and lastly, water. Return the lid to the blender jug, flip down the closure clasp and press down firmly.

4.Select ‘Auto’ to start the vacuum and blending process. It will stop automatically when it is done.

Pour your Big King Kale into glasses and serve immediately

Peanut Cookie Paradise

A yummy and indulgent way to get some protein and potassium into your diet, this recipe is loaded with all your favourite sweet tastes. It may not be as healthy as kale and mango smoothies, but you can be sure this homemade sweet treat is free of preservatives and additives or a normal shop bought dessert. Perhaps reserve this one for a weekend treat!

Peanut Cookie Paradise


  • 800ml / 4 glasses
  • 4 chocolate chip cookies
  • 75g peanut butter
  • 2 tbsp caramel sauce
  • 75g chocolate spread
  • 1 banana
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 500ml almond milk
Peanut Cookie Paradise Recipe


1.Peel the banana and cut into large pieces.

2.Start by pouring the almond milk into the blender jug, then add the chocolate spread, peanut butter, banana and lastly, vanilla.

3.Return the lid to the blender jug, flip down the closure clasp and press down firmly.

4.Select ‘Auto’ to start the vacuum and blending process. It will stop automatically when it is done.

5.Pour your Peanut Cookie Paradise into glasses, crumble cookies on top, drizzle with caramel sauce and serve immediately.

All of these smoothies can be prepared using the Vita Power Serie 8 blender which comes complete with storage boxes and Vacuum To-Go bottle for extra convenience. Take your smoothies with you to work or the gym! Bosch is helping you keep it simple, and easy to maintain.

Alternatively, why not give juicing a go? Juicing is great for when the summer months roll around and you prefer something light and refreshing. The Creation Line stand mixer is an excellent investment to help maintain your new habits, since it comes complete with juicer too for when you want to switch things up.