Coffee. Official fuel of the 21st Century.
Flat white. Cappuccino. Macchiato. Pumpkin Spiced Latte. Coffee has been an integral part of our lives since a tribe of Ethiopians discovered its powerful properties over 2,000 years ago and our love affair has grown exponentially since then. Whether you like your coffee pure and black or prefer that your cup run over with syrup, milk and a flourish of chocolate and marshmallows, there’s a whole world of bean varieties and flavour combinations out there to explore.
You too can be a Bosch Barista.
Becoming an internationally recognised Coffee Master takes months, if not years, of training in the art of roasting, grinding, brewing and flavour balancing. All you need to begin your own adventure as a barista is a coffee machine. We can recommend the Tassimo My Way 2. Simply choose your perfect pod and at the touch of a button you can create coffee shop standard creations, with settings designed to personalise your coffee to your individual taste and temperature preferences.
Start the right way.
The Espresso. Where it all begins. In no time at all, you can create a shot of concentrated coffee that really packs a punch. For some, the espresso is too potent, too bitter, and that is where the barista steps in – building on the espresso foundations to create the perfect coffee to suit your taste. Our built-in Bosch coffee machines take care of all of this for you, from grinding the beans to the final pour - creating rich, delicious blends in every cup.
Create your own coffee house favourites.
A little lightly foamed milk added to a double espresso will create a flat white. An even smaller amount of lightly steamed milk, just a splash, when added to your espresso will give you the perfect Macchiato. A shot of espresso combined with 4 times the amount of aerated milk will give you a creamy cappuccino, or adding spices or syrups to the espresso, with some whipped cream for good measure will produce a flavoured latte that’ll be a real crowd-pleaser.
Signed off with style.
No barista would be satisfied without leaving their calling card - a flourish as the milk meets the coffee below, a signature in the foam. Latte art is the true mark of a coffee master – there is even a competition each year to find the nation’s Latte Art Champion, where baristas from across the UK battle to achieve pouring perfection.
Create an Instagram-worthy cup.
If you want to try your hand at a latte masterpiece, first ensure that your steamed milk is being poured from a height. The milk will float on the surface of the espresso, but not for long, so you will need to work quickly. Once the first of the milk drops into the coffee, you can begin your artwork. Bring your milk jug closer to the cup to reduce the force of the flow and gently move it from side to side, creating a wave pattern on the surface. Just before the coffee reaches the rim of the cup, raise your milk jug once again and draw a line through the pattern with the last of the milk. This should create a leaf effect that is simple to draw but will definitely impress your Instagram followers.