Looking for a new fridge, but don’t know where to start? We are here to help. At Bosch, our team of home appliance experts compiled a list of 7 questions to ask yourself when buying a new fridge. Explore them below!

Top advantages of a Bosch fridge.

  • The right style and size for your needs
  • Well-thought-out organisation and storage
  • Cutting-edge cooling technology

7 essential questions for fridge buyers.

Built-in Bosch fridge with open door reveals fresh food and drinks inside.

1. A freestanding or built-in fridge?

The first decision to make when buying a new refrigerator: do you want a freestanding fridge or a built-in fridge? Each has its advantages:

  • Freestanding: The right choice for greater flexibility.
  • Built-in: Ideal if you want your kitchen to have a clean, seamless look.

Whichever you choose, Bosch offers the right style of refrigerator for your needs and preferences.

A 60-cm built-in Bosch fridge with open door to show food and drinks inside.
Modern kitchen with side-by-side Bosch fridge, suitable for a family.

2. What dimensions do I need?

Knowing exactly what size of fridge fits your kitchen is crucial before selecting a new appliance. This is especially important if you already have a specific niche or are replacing an old fridge. However, if you are planning a new kitchen then you may have more freedom.

Pro tip: Here are some general guidelines on dimensions:

  • A standard fridge is 60-cm wide.
  • An XL version is 70 cm or wider.
  • American style fridge freezers can measure over 90-cm wide.
Wide-open Bosch French-door fridge packed full with delicious food and drinks.

3. Capacity – how much food storage do I need?

While larger fridges offer more storage space, they also consume more energy. That's why it's advisable to buy a fridge with the right volume for your needs. A simple rule of thumb:

  • One-person household = 100 litres
  • Two-person household = 150 litres
  • Three-person household = 200 litres

More mouths to feed? Simply add 50 litres for each additional person in your home.

Pro tip: Some fridge models are better suited to certain household sizes. For instance, a small fridge with an integrated freezer compartment might be ideal for one. Meanwhile, an American style or French door fridge could be perfect for a family with two or more children.


Also, if you already have a separate freezer, consider a fridge without one.

4. Finishes & trends – what reflects my tastes?

Your fridge is at the heart of your kitchen, that's why it's worth selecting one that truly suits the look and feel of your home. Here is some inspiration:

Exterior finish: From a minimal and sleek glass, to a solid bold colour, choose a finish that makes the right statement in your kitchen.

A trendy American style fridge-freezer: Gain food storage space without compromising on design. A double door fridge or a French door fridge is always a great choice for families.

Close up of Bosch fridge interior. Arrow show how to remove shelves for cleaning.
Close up of Bosch drawer with two ice cube trays highlights NoFrost.
Preview of NoFrost, which prevents ice build-up.

5. Cleaning & defrosting – preventing ice and odours

It’s important to choose a fridge that is easy to clean. Look for models with removable drawers and glass shelves. Also, some fridges are engineered to keep the fridge's interior smelling fresh.

When it comes to defrosting, many fridge-freezers these days are equipped with convenient NoFrost technology. It reliably stops ice from forming, so you never have to defrost the freezer again. This saves you time and hassle.

Close up of a Bosch freezer full of meat and vegetables. BigBox shows large freezer capacity.
A beverage rack with bottles of milk and juice in a Bosch fridge.

6. What foods should I put in the fridge?

Think about a typical trip to the supermarket. What perishables do you buy? The items in your shopping bag will influence your fridge layout and the shelving options you'll want in a fridge.

  • Fruits and vegetables: Opt for a large produce storage compartment to keep your favourites fresher for longer.
  • Fresh fish and meat: A zero-degree drawer is the perfect spot for highly perishable cuts of meat and just-caught fish.
  • Frozen foods: A fridge-freezer with a large freezer capacity is a must.
  • Beverages: For space-saving storage of bottles, opt for a beverage rack.

7. Which innovations simplify life?

The latest fridges on the market can do much more than just cool food and drink. While you don't necessarily need one with all the bells and whistles, it's worth considering how some of our new features can consider help you simplify everyday life.

Here are some leading fridge innovations to consider:

  • An interior camera lets you check the fridge's content from anywhere. So you can always see what you need to stock up on.
  • A smart fridge with Home Connect– control and manage your fridge via your smartphone. No matter where you are.

View the range

Take a look at all of our different fridges here

Best Fridge Freezers

Our top selection of Fridge Freezers

VitaFresh: fresher for longer

Keep your food fresh and at its best with VitaFresh technology

Serie 2, 4 or 6?

If you would like to know more about our different ranges

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