We know how hard it can be when it comes to choosing the right washing machine. That's why we have cherry-picked some of our best value models below to save you time on your search for the perfect machine.

You may already know how quiet, fast and reliable our washing machines are, but the benefits don't end there. You'll find our appliances make things so much more convenient, with features such as SpeedPerfect* letting you prioritise how quickly the wash is done, or Reload letting you add any extra garments you may have missed - even after the wash has started. See below for even more benefits!

Bosch WGB256A1GB Washing Machine
Bosch WGB256A1GB Washing Machine Closed
Bosch WGB256A1GB Washing Machine Open
Bosch WGB256A1GB Washing Machine Control Panel

Series 8: Our Premium Range


  • i-DOS: automatically measures the precise amount of detergent and water.
  • Iron Assist: reduce wrinkles up to 50%
  • Mini Load - Optimised for single items < 0.5 kg for economical and speedy washing of very small loads.
  • Reload to add forgotten items or remove anything added by mistake.
  • Home Connect: home appliances with smart connectivity for an easier everyday life

Capacity: 10kg

Energy label A 5 year warranty

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Bosch WGG25402GB Washing Machine
Bosch WGG25402GB Washing Machine Closed
Bosch WGG25402GB Washing Machine Open
Bosch WGG25402GB Washing Machine Control Panel

Series 6: Our Advanced Range


  • Speed Perfect cuts washing time without compromising on results.
  • Anti-Stain system to tackle four stubborn types of stain with ease.
  • Eco Silence DriveTM – the brushless, energy-efficient motor is quiet in operation and comes with a 10 year parts warranty.
  • VarioDrum – unique system that uses even water distribution to gently and efficiently wash all type

Capacity: 10kg

5 year warranty

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Bosch WAN28250GB Washing Machine
Bosch WAN28250GB Washing Machine Closed
Bosch WAN28250GB Washing Machine Open
Bosch WAN28250GB Washing Machine Control Panel

Series 4: Our All Rounder


  • Speed Perfect cuts washing time without compromising on results.
  • Reload to add forgotten items or remove anything added by mistake.
  • Active Water Plus uses only the precise amount of water needed for every wash.
  • Eco Silence DriveTM – the brushless, energy-efficient motor is quiet in operation and comes with a 10 year parts warranty.
  • VarioDrum – unique system that uses even water distribution to gently and efficiently wash all types of clothing

Capacity: 9kg

Energy Label A 5 year warranty

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Washing Machine Series2 WGE03408GB
Washing Machine Series2 WGE03408GB
Washing Machine Series2 WGE03408GB
Washing Machine Series2 WGE03408GB

Series 2: Our Practical Range


  • Speed Perfect cuts washing time without compromising on results.
  • Reload to add forgotten items or remove anything added by mistake.
  • Active Water Plus uses only the precise amount of water needed for every wash.
  • Eco Silence DriveTM – the brushless, energy-efficient motor is quiet in operation.

Capacity: 8kg

Energy A rating

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Buying guide: what to know before you buy.

See what other customers say about our models

Another excellent Bosch machine

This is my 3rd bosch washing machine. So far it living up to my exerience from previous years. It has plenty of settings to address all my laundry needs. While the cotton and Eco settings take a very long time, the mixed takes only 1 hour. As expected the clothes are well cleaned. The spin is so good, they're almost dry coming out. You could forget you'd put a load on because the machine runs so quietly. Loving it so far.


amazed to see the difference a modern machine can be. Quiet and efficient


Only issue is it is deeper than the old machine causing issues with cupboard door. First world issues! But it looks good so not the end of the world. Extremely quiet and i know that they said it would be, but exceed expectations! Hopefully it will last as long as the old one. I think 17 years used daily probably good going. Curry's wanted to sell me a 5 year warranty as they did 17 years ago!!

Mrs AS

I recently purchased the Series 6 to replace a very old Bosch I had for over 12 years!! I am very happy with this model. Its quiet and purrs away. Love it!!! I mainly use the 30 min programme but will use the steam one soon. Hoping this lasts me as long as my old one.

Capable and Quiet

Bought to replace a broken device, this machine is easy to setup and to use. It's so much quieter than the 5 years plus older model that we had previously.