Lucky you! You’re off on a summer, or maybe a winter holiday. In preparation, you’ll want to make sure you have the passports, clean laundry, suitcases, toiletries and a whole host of other items at the ready. And, if you’re anything like us, you’d like to do a good deep clean of the house too before.

Coming back to a clean house makes the holiday blues just that bit more manageable. Fresh linen on the beds, vacuumed carpets, clean and disinfected surfaces. But what about your appliances?

It’s not something you might normally think about, but appliances that rely on water or that are used to store and prepare food are prone to mold and dirt build up when left unused. Thankfully, there are some steps you can add to your pre-holiday clean to ensure you return to fresh, clean appliances in working order - and as a bonus, save on unnecessary costs and energy.

Inside of Bosch fridge.


For a full breakdown of how to clean your refrigerator, we’ve got a step-by-step guide here. Giving your fridge a deep clean, removing shelves and drawers, and ensuring all perishables have been thrown away will remove the potential for unwanted odors or food spoilage. And avoids an even bigger cleaning project when you return. Plus, it’s so satisfying to come home and fill your fridge back up, knowing it’s cleaned, fresh and ready to go.

Bosch washing machine.

Washing machine

Your washing machine can’t be forgotten. You’re likely to return with several loads of washing - don’t add extra work by returning to a mouldy washing machine. Remove the drawer (which is prone to mould build up) and drain the drum as part of the cleaning routine to rid any dirty water.

Bosch’s range of cleaning products will make the work easier. Try a pack of our washing machine cleaner, which can remove deposits in the drum and tubes. This will reduce the chance of unpleasant odours forming.

Bosch induction hob.

Oven and hob

Now you’re on a roll, don’t forget the oven (inside and outside). We’ve created oven specific cleaning formulas for induction hobs and ceramic glass, helping you keep your oven sparkling new, without the need for corrosive chemical cleaners. Make this one a part of your regular cleaning routine though. As frequently cleaning your oven will remove food build up that could compromise its power and working order.

Bosch dishwasher open.


Return to a clean dishwasher by running a hot cleaning cycle before you go. Empty the dishwasher entirely, and leave the door ajar to prevent any unwanted smells disseminating around the house.

Bosch fridge freezer menu.

Fridge freezer

Not everyone knows this, but you can actually set your fridge freezer to holiday mode or ‘eco-mode’ before you leave to save energy. This will not change the temperature of the freezer, but it will maintain an internal temperature of the cabinet to save energy and prevent odor and mold from entering the empty fridge.

Woman using home connect on the beach.

If you’re already reading this poolside, fear not. With Home Connect and a smart appliance network, you can still set up holiday mode at the touch of a button. With smart connectivity, you have the power to control your appliances from your mobile or tablet device, wherever you are!

No one wants to return from holiday to extra chores that could’ve been prevented with a little prior preparation. There’s also money and energy to be saved by adding these few extra steps to your pre-holiday clean! By caring for your appliances, even when you’re not using them, they’re sure to last that little bit longer and maintain their quality.