Recipes: Healthy alternatives for ice cream from the freezer
As temperatures increase, so does the demand for ice cream. But why should you always buy ices or eat ice cream? Check out our refreshing ice cream creations, which you can easily and quickly make right in your own freezer. Best of all, it’s fun, healthier than bought ices, and you can create your own ice cream ideas!
Superfood for Super-Ice: Chia ice cream with coconut and kiwi.
- 6 ice cream on a stick moulds
- 2 kiwi fruits
- 300 ml of coconut milk
- 5 tablespoons chia seeds
- 3 tablespoons agave syrup
Stir the coconut milk, chia seed and agave syrup together in a bowl until smooth. Peel the kiwis, cut them into slices and lay them into the moulds. Pour in the coconut-chia mixture and freeze for at least 5 hours.
Tip: If you put the slices of kiwi on the sides of the moulds, the ice sticks look great!
Chocolate bananas – the perfect summer treat.
- 6 wooden ice cream sticks
- 3 ripe bananas
- 150g of cooking chocolate (choose dark or milk depending on taste)
- Toppings to suit (i.e. chopped almonds, grated coconut, sprinkles)
Peel and halve the bananas and push a stalk or a chopstick in each half. Place the banana halves on a cutting board and freeze them for about 3 hours. Melt the chocolate (preferably in the water bath) and spread the toppings on grease-proof paper. Dip each of the bananas into the melted chocolate and quickly roll them into your chosen toppings. Allow to cool and enjoy or simply freeze them.
Tip: You can also use chocolate sticks in place of wooden ice cream sticks.
Frozen watermelon – instant refreshment in the sun.
- Wooden ice cream sticks
- One ripe, sweet watermelon
- Shaping moulds
Cut the watermelon into small triangles and if necessary remove the seeds. Or use the moulds to cut out shapes as desired. Push an ice cream stick into each triangle, if necessary cut a small slit with a knife. Put the watermelon triangles in the freezer compartment until they are completely frozen.
Tip: You can also dip the melon triangles in chocolate before you freeze them.
Vitamin power: Smoothie popsicles
- 6 ice cream-on-a-stick-moulds
- 150 g blueberries
- 1 banana
- 100 ml of cream
- 100 g yoghurt
- Approx. 30 g muesli granola
Mix the blueberries, banana and yogurt briefly in a blender. Whip the cream until stiff and stir it into the mixture. Fill some muesli granola into the moulds and add the yoghurt mixture. Don’t forget to place an ice cream stick into the mould as well. Then put the filled moulds in the freezer for at least 6 hours.
Tip: You can also experiment yourself. Try using Greek yogurt, milk or other berries, like raspberries!

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