Coffee has become a firm fixture in our fast-paced, modern lifestyles. A morning coffee is a ritual for many of us. In the UK especially, there’s nothing quite like a warm, comforting coffee on a cold morning.

But as soon as Summer comes round, you may not think to reach for your Tassimo machine as much. But what if we told you there were some simple ways to ‘Summer up’ your morning coffee and still get the most out of your Tassimo, all year round?

An iced latte–the ultimate summer accessory

With many of us working from home, we may begin to miss the luxe of a shop bought coffee. Like the iced latte - a summer must have. Combining the ritual and hit of a regular coffee, with a cooling and sweet sensation. Thankfully, you can achieve a gorgeously refreshing iced latte using your Tassimo.

If you like a sweet hit, but a trip to Costa is too far a field, give the Costa Caramel Iced Latte pods a go. It’s so easy using the Tassimo machine, and you can enjoy your favourite branded coffee - just how you like it - from the comfort of your own home.

A Tassimo appliance with an iced coffee, in partnership with Costa
Homemade coffee popsicles

Coffee popsicles

Or how about a mid-afternoon perk? Try some freshly brewed coffee popsicles. All you need is a silicone ice tray, popsicle moulds or just paper cups, and some wooden sticks. Simply make your coffee just how you like it, with or without milk and sugar (we recommend with both!). Pour the cooled coffee into the moulds, then insert the sticks. Pop them in the freezer, preferably overnight, and enjoy.

Use your freezer to store the popsicles and just take one out as you go for a mid afternoon ‘pick me up’ and or low cal sweet treat.

Embrace your inner child

Doesn’t it feel like a treat having a dollop of freshly whipped cream or ice cream on your cold beverage? Well, there is no reason you can’t add some childwonder from home too. We prefer to use tall, glass mugs for this one. Add a topping of your choice to your cold brew - you could even throw in some sprinkles or sauces (caramel, toffee, chocolate…the list goes on). This is sure to add some extra summer sass to your iced brew.

Iced coffee in a tall glass with whipped cream and sauce
Homemade coffee ice cubes

Avoid watery coffee

Are you a coffee connoisseur? You might find that an iced brew doesn’t quite hit in the same way–sometimes the ice cubes can dilute its potency.

Well, how about prepping ahead with some coffee ice cubes. Simply pour your preferred coffee mixture (cooled) into your ice cube tray, and set aside in the freezer for future cold coffees. This will add to, rather than dilate, to your summer beverage while keeping it cool and refreshing.

Coffee shops are where we tend to go to relax, meet, or even work. And a morning coffee is the go-to for so many of us, nurturing us into our busy days. Don’t lose the luxury that ritual brings to your day simply because the weather has turned warm. Experiment with some of these tips and let us know if you have been swayed over to the cold brew!