Salmon Pate



  • 150g smoked salmon trimmings
  • 200g lemon and pepper smoked salmon
  • 200g soft cream cheese
  • 1tbsp crème fraîche (optional)
  • Juice of 1 lemon
  • 1-2 tbsps dill, plus extra for garnish
  • Salt and black pepper

Melba toast:

  • 4 slices of white bread

*Allergens highlighted in bold


1. Line individual square ramekins with cling film and the lemon and pepper smoked salmon. Make sure to leave some excess salmon over the edge.

2. Cut the lemon in half and squeeze out the juice.

3. In the open bowl of the ErgoMixx place all the ingredients except the crème fraiche with half of the lemon juice, replace the lid and pulse until a smooth pâté is formed.

4. Taste, add salt, pepper and more lemon juice if required, add the crème fraîche at this point if too stiff.

5. Unlock lid and carefully remove blade.

6. Spoon the pâté into the individual ramekins, smooth with a palette knife, then fold the excess salmon over the pate creating a parcel, chill for 30 minutes. Once chilled turn out on to a small plate, carefully removing the ramekin and the cling film from the pâté.

For the Melba Toast

1. Preheat the oven to HotAir grilling at 195°C, line a universal tray with baking parchment.

2. Cut the crusts off 4 slices of bread and place on the universal tray, evenly spaced.

3. Put in the oven for 7 minutes on Shelf Level 3, flipping half way through to toast the other side.

4. Once coloured on both sides remove from the oven, transfer the toasted bread to a chopping board, using a sharp knife carefully slice between both toasted sides.

5. Take one half and turn it over so the toasted side is up, gently rub against the board to remove the soft fluffy centre, repeat with the other half.

6. Repeat these steps with the other 3 slices of toast.

7. Once all the untoasted parts have been removed carefully cut the slices into large triangles and return to the universal tray toasted side down.

8. Place back in the oven on shelf level 3 for 2 minutes 30 seconds, the triangles should be slightly curled and golden brown in colour.

9. Remove from the oven and carefully place the Melba toast on a cooling rack.

10. Once cooled, arrange 2-4 Melba toast on the plate to accompany the smoked salmon pate. Decorate the dish with a slice of lemon and a little dill.

Tip: Store Melba toast in an airtight container and they should last for a couple of weeks.

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Oriental Salmon

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