As the weather gets warmer, you may prefer a cold, fruity treat on these long summer evenings. But before you stock up the freezer, have you ever wondered how easy is making ice cream at home?
Home-made ice cream can be tastier, healthier and more sustainable than shop-bought alternatives. And it doesn’t have to be difficult or messy either.

With Bosch’s stand mixers and blenders, the versatility of our appliances gives you the means to try a variety of ice-creams, sorbets, or slushies. The Bosch Ice Cream Maker works well with the CreationLine Stand Mixer but there is a range of attachments available for stand mixers and blenders to make the perfect iced treat.

Here’s why we’re all on board for home-made ice cream this summer:

Make it to your taste

The great thing about home-made ice cream is that there is something for everyone. You may not be a fan of sugary desserts and treats, but a home-made iced cream can offer theperfect palette cleanser after an evening meal. You can really be experimental and create a recipe adapted to suit your own taste. Hold back on the sugar and opt for a salty pistachio ice cream, a rich mocha ice cream, or even this Hibiscus tea ice cream:

Hibiscus tea ice cream:


1. Bring water to the boil, add tea bags and leave to brew for 10 minutes.
2. Remove the tea bags.
3. Add lemon juice and sugar and stir until the sugar is fully dissolved.
4. Then leave to cool.
5. Mix cream cheese with the tea solution.
6. Pour the prepared mixture into the running ice cream maker.
7. Mix for approx. 30-40 min

400 ml water
5 hibiscus tea bags
140 g sugar
2 tsp. lemon juice
150 g cream cheese

Go dairy free

Whether you’re vegan or dairy intolerant; it doesn’t matter. There are plenty of delicious recipes that can be designed to suit a dairy-free diet. Sorbets and slushies are an excellent alternative to traditional ice cream. But coconut and almond milks make for great alternatives without compromising on the rich and creamy texture of ordinary dairy.


These days, you can have anything delivered to your home at the click of a button. But that can be costly - not to mention the impact on the environment.
Anything made in the comfort of your own home is going to be more frugal and sustainable than buying or ordering in.
Use up fruits and fresh ingredients before they turn bad and are inevitably thrown away, by adding them to your ice cream. Ripe bananas are bursting with sweet flavours and natural sugars, making them the perfect addition to your recipe. Saving on packaging and unnecessary trips to the supermarket too.

Family run

Get the children involved, or simply enjoy getting back into the kitchen. As we spend more time in front of screens, we lose touch with traditional hobbies and activities. Making ice cream together can be a fun family activity, or a chance to revive culinary talents - and don’t forget there’s a delicious reward at the end.

Less sugar, less preservatives

Algarve nectar, honey, and fruit are great alternatives to sugar, and blend perfectly into most ice-cream recipes. But the best thing about home-made ice cream is you are in control of exactly what goes into your mixer. Most home-made recipes are healthier because they are void of the preservatives, ‘e-numbers’ and the excessive sugar of shop-bought counterparts. Home-made ice cream is therefore a great option for those on a calorie controlled diet, or those with young families who want to keep tabs on sugar intake.

Our top tips for whipping up the perfect ice cream

  • Keep serving bowls or glass chilled
  • Alcoholic drinks can prevent the ice cream mixture from setting so avoid using them for taste - perhaps enjoy on the side instead
  • Eat straight away - the ice cream tastes best when freshly prepared but can be refined by adding fruits, grated chocolate, or whipped cream.
  • Use good quality ingredients, such as a high percentage cocoa chocolate or organic fruits, for the best possible taste

Be traditional or adventurous with your flavours. Some of our favourites include traditional banana, chocolate and vanilla ice-cream, or the more exotic kiwi sorbet, and cherry yoghurt ice cream. For more recipes, download the product manual here.