Meat-free diets - or at least - meat-reduced diets, are gaining popularity as we all try to do our bit and reduce our impact on the environment. But the health benefits that come with a reduced meat diet are also contributing to their popularity.

We think it’s time vegetables were given the stage presence they deserve, and this recipe is a great way to sample all of the delicious tastes and textures they have to offer. Using the griddle will add a smokey, charred hit that enhances the flavours. And the blend of vegetables in this meal contains a variety of textures and colours.

This is a great weeknight recipe when you’re not sure what to cook. Easy, quick, nutritious and healthy!


3 mix peppers cut into 3cm
3 baby aubergine cut into 3cm
3 courgette cut into 3cm
1 tbsp vegetable oil
¼ tsp black pepper
¼ tsp salt


100g kale
1 red onion thickly sliced


1. Place the peppers, courgette and aubergine into a bowl.

2. Season with black peppers, salt and 1 tbsp vegetable oil.

3. In the meantime heat the griddle plate on the induction hob level 8.

4. Start with the mixed peppers first; they take a bit longer, then the rest of the vegetables.

5. They should take 7-8 minutes, when cooked, place them in a warm dish.

6. Place the sliced red onion in a steam dish, and steam 100C for 5- 10 minutes then add the kale for 5 minutes.