As you would expect from Bosch, our products are of the highest quality and we strive to create home appliances that are invented for life. Every detail even down to noise level is taken care of.

In an open plan home, it can be even harder to find some peace and quiet. So we believe your appliance shouldn’t add any unwanted or unnecessary noise. That’s why many Bosch products have been awarded the Quiet Mark certification, meaning we have some of the quietest home appliances on the market.

So when you see the distinctive ‘Q’ logo alongside a product description, you can rest assured you’re buying a peaceful environment for your home.

Opened Bosch fridge-freezer near the tumble dryer

What is Quiet Mark?

Quiet Mark is an independent global certification programme focused on improving health and wellbeing. Their platform helps consumers and industry professionals easily find the quietest high-performance products on the market. These are identified by thorough scientific testing which provides reliable information about the sound the product makes, to enable consumers to make educated decisions that will help them achieve a peaceful and productive environment.

Working from home with quiet appliances

Working from home

The world took a very different turn a couple of years ago and many of us were forced to create work spaces in our homes. This put added pressure on families, individuals and workplaces to maintain a peaceful space in which to work productively or communicate with colleagues.

Having a quiet environment is now even more important than ever. As research from the British Journal of Psychology has shown, background noise can kill productivity levels. Even white noise coming from a dishwasher or washing machine can impact the mental focus of an individual. The study notes that workers can be up to 66% less productive when exposed to nearby conversation. And low noise levels were associated with reduced stress and improved wellbeing!

Family with baby

Sleep when the baby sleeps!

And what about those with growing families? With the introduction of little ones into home, there’s nothing worse than a clunky dishwasher waking up a sleeping baby after you’d spent hours cradling them to sleep. According to the National Noise Report Survey, a staggering 82% of Brits would like to make appliances in their home quieter, and two thirds are more likely to buy an appliance labelled as quiet. Effective time for you!

Open plan living space

Open plan homes

Open plan homes are the coveted floorplan for many Brits. Perfect for hosting, spending time with the family, and allowing air and natural light to circulate the home more efficiently, the space can be enjoyed by everyone at different times of the day. The last thing you need is loud and intrusive appliances. The National Noise Report Survey also reported that washing machines, vacuums, food mixers and kettles were among the top appliances Brits wish would create less noise in the home. With Quiet Mark appliances from Bosch, you can rest assured that a cup of tea can be made, laundry checked off, and the house cleaned up without interrupting or raising the stress levels of other household members!

White Freestanding Dishwasher

The Quiet Mark is awarded based on rigorous studies including acoustic lab tests that replicate a modern living environment, specifically a kitchen with tiled walls, flooring and solid ceiling. Products and appliances that are awarded certification are amongst the quietest, and put through subsequent further analysis. Customers can rest assured that the ‘Q’ logo is peace of mind that a particular appliance will not emit any unpleasant or intrusive noise that could disturb the tranquillity of your home.

Find out more about the Quiet Mark certification here.