Find the power of getting healthy with these top tips.
Health. What does it mean to be healthy? Does it mean different things to each and every one of us, and is there really a Pandora’s box to the truth of it? After all, one must strive in their life to be ‘healthy’ as this in-turn empowers us to feel good and look after ourselves more than ever...
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We’re not talking about a fad here, and we’re not going to preach to you about ‘balance’ either. But sometimes it’s hard to know what choices to make, so here’s some of our top tips that you may not have thought about when it comes to staying healthy:
Fruits and vegetables are true forces of nature and can be enjoyed in so many forms. We are always told ‘fresh is best’ but let’s not forget about our frozen counterparts that can sometimes store much more nutrients due to the fact they’ve had that goodness locked in soon after harvest. Steaming your vegetables can also preserve nutrients and also give our foods much better taste.
![healthy diet](
Keep it natural.
We’ve all been there, tough days that are busy, full-on and, well let’s just say a bit too much. So, we spend our nights chilling out rather than slaving away cooking dinners and giving ourselves some delicious treats. That’s ok until you’ve realised you’ve done this all week!
Many processed foods come with nasty additives and flavours that really are not good for us. It can be hard to work out where these are hidden too.
So, when you’re thinking about enjoying a snack in front of the telly why not opt for: nuts, homemade popcorn, or even frozen banana whizzed up into ice cream? The more you use nature’s ingredients, the healthier your snacks will be!
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Keeping clean.
An important factor in life to keeping illnesses at bay is to stay clean! From cleaning our homes, doing the laundry, and washing our hands regularly; it can become a worrying and overwhelming task for many.
Our washing machines have come a long way and whilst it’s important for machines to do their job, it’s great to know they give you peace of mind. The AllergyPlus program within Bosch washing machines removes 99.99% of bacteria*, so you can relax knowing all the dust mites have disappeared.
Dishes are always best cleaned through dishwashers too. A 70ºC wash makes sure everything is hygienically cleaned every time.
* Bosch washing machines with the ‘AllergyPlus’ wash program at 40° and 60° fulfill scientifically recommended conditions for 99,99% of germ reduction for Enterococcus Hirae and Pseudomonas Aeruginosa, according to Honisch et al. 2014, "Impact of wash cycle time, temperature and detergent formulation on the hygiene effectiveness of domestic laundering.” Conducted by University Rhine-Waal.
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Healthy minds.
Another big part of life is keeping our minds healthy. Take the pressures out of every day by making time for you. Whether you enjoy exercise or reading a book. There are many ways to stay healthy.
Reducing the mad busy rushes of the day-to-day can impact our lives significantly, which is why it’s important to find what you enjoy, and what brings you total harmony.
We as people, live many different lives. We all have different ways of living out our routines and daily patterns. One thing we do have in common is to keep healthy, as nothing can beat the feeling of having energy, purpose and fulfilment.
What will you change today to make a happier, healthier you?