Stay and play

It’s official. The staycation is back in fashion and here to stay. And what’s not to love? No long queues at the airport, simply pack up and go. Even the Great British weather is doing its best to improve in recent summers.

Don’t let dirt dampen your spirits

But even if we’re staying in the UK to enjoy the great outdoors, we still want to be able to relax and experience that magical holiday feel. When we get into our cars to finally take that trip, or park up the campervan ready to take in the sunset, we want it to feel special – like the holiday is just beginning. The last thing we want when we’re excitedly packing the car, or settling down in our caravan is unnecessary mess.
Cordless vacuum cleaner

The good news is, your trusty Bosch cordless vacuum is on hand to help – and it’s useful to remember, it’s not just for cleaning inside the home. With a little pre-holiday prep, you can ensure you’re kicking back in comfort and style while on the move, all thanks to one home appliance hero.

What has your car collected?

Cereal. Mud. Sand. Fur. Crumbs. Abandoned French fries. It can all be found lurking in the shadowy depths of your car’s footwells. Let’s not even talk about what’s hiding in the crevices of the back seat. But fear not. The Bosch Athlet and Unlimited ranges of cordless vacuum cleaners offer the toughest, most powerful weapons in our arsenal for tackling even the most stubborn of pet fur, the crumbliest of biscuit remnants and the stickiest of general child-related grubbiness.

Driving out the dirt

With a host of handy attachments, and up to 60 minutes of cordless runtime, you can clean even the hardest to reach places - ensuring everything from the cupholders to the car seat, the dashboard to the dog cage is spotless and free of allergens before you set off.

A cleaner way to camp

If you’re planning to take your accommodation with you on the road, the Athlet and Unlimitedvacuums are also perfect for giving your camper or caravan a bit of top-to-toe TLC. Curtains, cushions, shower cubicles, even getting crumbs out of the toaster – we have an attachment on hand to help you freshen up every inch of your mobile living space, ensuring it’s spick-and-span and summer-ready.

Spruce up your summer

A few simple spring-cleaning steps using just your Bosch cordless vacuum can transform your staycation this summer. To discover more about our range of powerful products and to find out which model is the right one for your needs, click here.