Close up of steam oven with open door showing inside

Experience a taste transformation.

We often associate food that is ‘good for us’ with food that’s seriously lacking in the joy department, packed full of artificial flavour enhancers to disguise the fact all the deliciousness has been stripped out of it. We hear ‘full of nutrients’ and we imagine kale. Or Quinoa. Or lentils. Foods with a high smugness factor, but low on taste satisfaction. Here’s how Bosch can help!

Overhead shot of multiple meals

Cooking, but not as you know it.

What if we told you that you could make your everyday cooking healthier, more nutritious AND create dishes that taste even more delicious at the same time? What if, at the simple touch of a button, you could make soft and fluffy bread with a perfect crust, tender roasted meats with perfectly crispy skin, vegetables that keep their bite without losing their juicy yumminess? What if there was a way to turn the flavour of your food up to full volume?

Chicken cooking in steam oven

What is a steam oven?

We’re not suggesting you fork out for a Michelin-star cookery course. But we recommend you take a closer look at the steam ovens range from Bosch. A steam oven is exactly what it sounds like. An oven that cooks your food gently using steam, with bespoke settings that enable you to cook, bake or roast while preserving all of the vitamins, texture and natural juices that are usually compromised during the cooking process.

Array of vegetables cooking inside steam oven

How do steam ovens work?

Consider how rejuvenated and refreshed you feel when you’ve spent a day being treated with TLC at the spa? Well that’s how your food will be treated when it’s being lovingly pampered in a steam oven. The cooking process is much gentler than when you fry, boil or dry bake your foods, meaning flavours can naturally develop, vegetables retain their colour and texture and easily damaged nutrients such as vitamins B and C.

For example, steaming broccoli at a temperature of over 100°C with our steam ovens, retains up to 54% more nutrients than conventional cooking methods, as well as up to 10% more Vitamin C*

Additionally, our ovens with Steam Function Plus use higher heat of up to 120°C guaranteeing faster results than steaming with up to 100°C.

For example: green beans and carrots are up to 50% quicker steamed,

or potatoes up to 35% faster*.

* Steam Functions Plus compared to cooking in boiled water, University of Hohenheim test results 5/2022 and 10/2022

** Steam Functions Plus compared to 100°C Steam, BSH laboratory test

Showing water tank behind control panel

What is a steam oven?

The Bosch steam oven comes complete with a refillable water tank, so you don’t need to completely rebuild your kitchen to set up a direct water connection. You don’t even need to open the oven door to refill the water tank as it is hidden behind the control panel. While you can still cook the conventional way, the steam and Hotair functions allow you to adjust the intensity of the moisture depending on whether you want to roast, bake or reheat your food. As well as the manual settings, there are a number of automatic pre-set programmes to choose from which will advise on the optimal heat, temperature and cooking time for up to 20 popular dishes. In fact, there doesn’t seem to be any cons in investing into a steam oven to complete your kitchen.

Cupcake muffins baked in tray

Perfect results - soft on the inside and crispy on the outside

Steam cooking doesn’t strip food of moisture so everything from carrots to cakes, pork chops to potatoes can keep their natural flavours - but by adjusting the moisture and hot air towards the end of the cooking process, you can still guarantee crunchy crackling or a nice crispy crust without the need to add any fat or oil.

Person looking at a very tall burger compiled of different vegetables

The age of steam.

For once, the promise of a healthy and delicious way to cook isn’t just a load of hot air. If you’re ready to taste food like you’ve never tasted it before, go full steam ahead and check out the Bosch steam oven range.