Weekday breakfasts are rarely as enjoyable as they really should be.

Rushing to get through the conveyor belt of tasks such as showering, lunchboxes, grooming, teeth brushing and book bags. Often, breakfast is an afterthought, or not even given a thought at all!

But the importance of breakfast is long advocated. A healthy breakfast can set us up for a more focused and successful morning, keep our blood sugars steady, rehydrate us, and ensure we make healthier choices throughout the rest of the day. We encourage you to slow down and make time for either a solo or family breakfast; a sacred time for self-care but also time to reconnect with the family.

The ultimate questions is... sweet or savoury?

Bread warming on top of toaster

Sweet vs. Savoury breakfast ideas

Firstly, let’s start with the essentials: Your ‘MyMoment’ Bosch toaster and kettle combo are the absolute staples to your slow, healthy morning meals. Here are some ideas to upgrade your sweet and savoury breakfasts over the next few weeks.

If savoury is your thing...

Chilli garlic eggs on sourdough toast

Chilli/garlic eggs

For a simple sprinkle of flavour added to your usual scrambled eggs on toast, make the eggs with a dash of chilli or garlic oil in the pan first. Cook your eggs on a slow heat ensuring to mix them regularly. And remember, eggs cook in their residual heat, so turn the heat off just before they’re perfectly cooked. This goes great with sourdough toast!

Toast popped in toaster

Halloumi and avocado toast

An upgrade to your usual avocado toast, try topping with some honey and garlic halloumi. The honey makes a nice contrast to the salty halloumi, and the chilli brings balance back as a savoury option. Simply fry your halloumi with a sprinkling of chilli flakes and some honey drizzled over both sides while cooking.

Tomato and feta on toast

Tomato and feta

Tomato and feta make a great salad combination. But have you tried this gorgeous combo on toast before? Think of it as an upgraded version of the humble cheese on toast. Slice some beef tomatoes and place them on top of buttered toast with some crumbled feta, then complete the toasting either under the grill or in the air fryer for a few minutes until melted to your liking. Drizzled with olive oil or fresh lemon, and of course, salt and pepper.

Or you fancy something sweet...

Cottage cheese, strawberries and mint on toast

Cottage cheese and fruit

Toast, as we know, is extremely versatile. And if you want to up your protein take but don’t have the time to cook something from scratch in the morning, cottage cheese on toast is an excellent choice. Cottage cheese is known for its tangy taste so it’s great paired with your favourite fruit. Opt for something seasonal for optimal nutrition but great combinations are sliced peach, strawberries and blueberries!

Berry compote on toast with cups of tea

Berry compote

If you have time, a berry compote is an excellent addition to your sweet morning toast recipe. And it’s relatively easy to make. Simply add your favourite berries (frozen mixed berries will work just fine!) to the stove and warm gently, adding lemon juice as you go. Bring this to a boil and sweeten with either honey or maple syrup before simmering slightly. Berry compote not only pairs well with toast but also with yoghurt bowls and granola - yum!

Honey, banana and peanut butter on toast

Honey and banana

Sometimes, simplicity is best. Especially when you have kids to feed in the morning! Why not try the humble honey on toast? Slice some banana or berries of your choice and lay on top of the honey for added vitamins and freshness first thing.

Water being poured from kettle to make a cup of tea

A warming cuppa...

But let’s not forget the importance of slowing down and enjoying something deliciously warming and energising first thing in the morning. Especially as the winter months roll in. Use your Bosch MyMoment kettle to enjoy a relaxing chamomile tea ahead of a busy day, or a grounding peppermint to improve your digestion. Or, how about the humble cup of breakfast tea to energise you in the morning?

Share your new breakfast creations with us using #MyBoschMoment on Instagram.