If your fridge’s door seal is faulty, your fridge will have to work harder to maintain optimal temperature, meaning it will use more energy than it needs to. You can check if your fridge’s door seal is faulty by trying to slip a small piece of paper or a £5 note through the door. If the item goes through, it’s time to find a spare part to help you reseal the door.
Where to start
Ensure that there are no possible reasons why your appliance’s door seal might not be working as intended – check that the fridge is level and for any other visible signs of damage.
Once you’ve double checked the reason, and have ordered yourself an original spare part, you can start fitting!
Step by step guide
1. Switch off the appliance from the mains.
2. Remove the old door seal by placing your thumbs underneath the seal and then continue the same movement around the underside.
3. Starting at the top corners of the appliance, press the new seal into place and be sure to press firmly until the seal locks into position.
4. Push the seal into the channel between the corners before you proceed to apply it to the bottom corners of the appliance.
5. Give it a final check to see if it has been properly fitted.