Washing machine in living space

Drips, spills and accidents are a fact of everyday life. Here are some quick and easy tips to get rid of stains for good.

  • Prewash is your friend for extra tough football pitch stains or baby food spillages.
  • Select 'stain option' if it's available for a longer, more intensive wash cycle.
  • Always act fast. Speed in treating the stain will give you a much greater chance of success.
  • Always remember to check the fabric care label attached to your clothing for the manufacturer's washing instructions.
Washing machine with door open in utility room

Anti Stain technology

Selected Bosch washing machines include Anti Stain technology which targets up to 4 of the most common stains: oil, grass, red wine and blood. We also have washing machines with Anti Stain Plus option that removes even up to 16 kinds of stubborn stains.

How does it work?
The washing machine automatically adjusts the temperature, drum action and soaking time to the respective stains before the selected wash programme starts. The result is brilliantly clean laundry without the need for separate washes or additional stain removers. Enjoy spotless laundry at the touch of a button.

Stain type

How to remove them
Loosen the cosmetics stain with glycerine or a prewash stain remover, dab then rinse before washing.
Speed matters so soak both sides of the fabric in cold water, then wash in lukewarm soapy water before giving it a final rinse.
Hot drink circles
It's part of every break nationwide but if tea or coffee is spilt then act fast. Soak or dampen it immediately and ideally wash before it dries.
Dirty socks
Soak the dirty socks in a lukewarm water with a generous amount of baking soda, then wait a few hours for the baking soda to soak in; Wring them out and then put them in the washing machine.
Cooking oil
Place your oil stain on a clean towel, dab it with washing up liquid on a toothbrush and gently scrub in circular motions. Wash on a high temperature according to fabric care advice.
Using a butter knife or spoon, carefully scrape off any remaining chocolate, then rinse the back of the stain with cold water to get rid of any leftover. To remove the stain, rub laundry detergent or a solution of dish soap and white vinegar into the spot. After soaking the item in cold water for 15 minutes, run a cold water cycle in your washing machine.
On sunny days grass stains are hard to avoid, we recommend an instant soak. Then wash in a laundry product with enzymes at a high temperature.
Whether it's a dippy egg or sunny side up, both will drip. To treat egg stains, apply cold water then clean with soapy water before a final rinse.
Baby food
To get rid of as much food as possible, rinse the stain with cold water. Apply a pre-treatment to the stain using a stain remover or a solution made of equal parts water and liquid detergent. After rubbing the pre-treatment into the stain, give it a few minutes to sit. After that, use the hottest water temperature that won't damage the fabric to rinse the stain with cold water once more and wash the item as directed by the care instructions.
Dab the stain either with citric acid (found in lemons or laundry treatments) or vinegar (white is best on fabric) then wash in warm, soapy water and rinse thoroughly.
Red wine circle
It's true salt does work, sprinkle the stain liberally with salt and let it soak in. Once dry, brush off the excess then wash with laundry bleach if needed.
Vegetable puree
Vegetable stains can be treated with sliced potato. Wipe the stain with cold water and place the potato slice over the affected area. Leave and then rinse.
Muddy sand
The trick here is to let it dry, brush off, then wash. It makes wet mud far easier to manage.
Water sweat
To prevent stains and any lingering odour, give clothing a good soak in soapy water before washing.

Look after your washing machine for optimum results

It's just as important to look after your washing machine as it is your clothes. Use our washing machine cleaner and descaler for dual action power to beat detergent and limescale build up. Click here to learn more about how to keep your washing machine drum clean and fresh.

Washing machine cleaner
Single pack
Washing machine descaler
Single pack
  • Suitable for removing deposits from the appliance including detergent.
  • Can help to ensure a cleaner, more hygienic interior of the washing machine.
  • Improves washing results by reducing spots and marks on laundry.
  • Reduces unpleasant odours caused by regular low temperature washes.
  • Contents: 200g, sufficient for one application. Use every three months.
  • Protects the appliance in hard water areas by removing harmful limescale from key components.
  • It's easy to use and gets to work quickly. One box equals one dose.
  • In hard water areas, washing machines should be descaled every three to six months.
  • This product can also be used to descale dishwashers as well as washing machines.
  • Contents: 250g, sufficient for one treatment.
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