Now that you have selected the spare parts category for your appliance, we just need you to provide your appliance model number (E-Nr) below so that we can show you the correct spare parts in that category for you appliance on the next page. If you need further support, please call Bosch Customer Service on 0344 892 8979.

Search by Appliance E-Nr

Please enter your appliance model number (E-Nr) below to search for spare parts.

Please enter your appliance's model number
Please correct your input, ensuring any spaces are removed
The model number (E-Nr) that you entered has not been recognised. Please re-check the model number and try again.
Please enter numbers only in this field
The model number (E-Nr) could not be recognised. Please check the uploaded file format. Only PNG and JPG are allowed.
A technical issue has occurred. Please try again or type the model number (E-Nr) in manually.

Where is the E-Nr located?

The model number (E-Nr) is located on the plate or sticker attached to your appliance. You can see an example model number plate or sticker below and the places where it can be located on your appliance.

Example of a type plate
This field is required
Please correct your input, ensuring any spaces are removed
Please ensure these fields match
Please enter numbers only in this field