Water hardness varies depending on where you live. Use this guide to set up your dishwasher for the water hardness in your area, so your dishwasher uses the right amount of salt and you get the best possible results.

water hardness map
Approximate map of UK water hardness levels

Is my water hard or soft?

Step 1 - identify

Find out the water level hardness in your area. You can do this by contacting your water supplier or by doing a postcode search on their website.

Alternatively, you can purhase our water hardness strips for a completely accurate result.

water hardness conversion table

Step 2 - convert

Convert your water hardness to the input number using this table. For example if your ppm is 120-140, your input number would be H01.

water hardness dishwasher

Step 3 - enter

Open settings by holding the Setup button (for appliances without this button, hold SpeedPerfect/VarioSpeed) for 3 seconds

  • Enter your input number by pressing start repeatedly
  • Save the settings by holding Setup (or SpeedPerfect) again for 3 seconds

Some dishwasher models may vary

If your appliance doesn't reflect the guide above please check your instruction manual.

Frequently asked questions

How hard is my water?

You can find out your water level hardness by contacting your water supplier or by doing a postcode search on their website. For a completely accurate result, purchase our water hardness strips.

What is hard water?

Hard water is water that has a high mineral content. A build-up of these minerals can affect your plumbing system. These minerals needs to be softened and neutralised for the best cleaning results – which is why we recommend using dishwasher salt.

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