Cleaning your dishwasher regularly is the best way to keep your appliance running more efficiently, while ensuring your dishware always comes out sparkling.

Clean the filter at least every 2 weeks

1. Remove the filter unit by unscrewing the filter cylinder at the base of the dishwasher and lifting the unit out.
2. Separate the unit by carefully unscrewing the cylindrical filter first.
3. Clean both filters under the tap, use a small brush to gently clean the inside and remove any smaller bits of debris.
4. Reassemble the filter and replace.

Clean the spray arms at least every 6 months

1. Unscrew the upper spray arm and unclip the lower spray arm.
2. Use a cocktail stick to clean the small outlet nozzles on the spray arms. You can also soak the spray arms in a vinegar solution to dissolve any blocked food particles, just clean with soapy water afterwards.
3. Rinse the spray arms thoroughly, then shake off any remaining residual water.
4. Reattach.

Run a cleaning programme at least every 2 months
1. Unload your dishwasher.
2. Check that the filter is not blocked.
3. Empty the contents of one Dishwasher Cleaning Sachet into the tablet dispenser.
4. Run the machine care programme. If you don't have this, run the hottest programme.

If using our bottled Dishwasher Cleaning Product, you can use the contents to clean the interior before running a cleaning cycle. Please watch the full video to find out how.

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