Hot drinks machine TASSIMO FINESSE friendlyTAS163EGB
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Hot drinks machine TASSIMO FINESSE friendlyTAS163EGB
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Technical Overview
265x157x366 mm
Colour of appliance
Just Red
Net weight
2.7 kg
Descaling indicator present
Water filtration system
Drink preparation
Drink personalization function, Customizable drink strength, IntensityBoost, Via T DISC, Fully aut. single button oper.
Key Features
Special Features
with over 60 famous-brand drinks for every taste.
Perfect drink quality thanks to INTELLIBREW™ technology
Simple and easy to use one button operation
Upgrade your coffee! Push the button 3 sec. for a more intense coffee experience.
for longer brewer life and improved taste.
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Hot drinks machine TASSIMO FINESSE friendlyTAS163EGB
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